Everyone who files a bankruptcy must get a credit counseling certificate before the bankruptcy can be filed. There are almost no exceptions.

You do not have to pay your bills in a debt repayment plan through a credit counselor.  In fact, the credit counselors say 1 to 3% of people who do the pre-bankruptcy counseling can afford to pay their bills.  This requirement was put into the law to deter you from filing bankruptcy.

All you have to do is “attend” a one-time briefing to discuss your finances and get information about your bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy options, then you are given a certificate. You can do this in person, over the telephone, by mail or over the Internet.  We will assist you in getting this briefing.  If you have not already done this step, please wait and discuss with us how best to accomplish this.

Here are approved creditor counselors we recommend:

Online at is only $14.95 per household (direct pay with your debit card)

Housing and Credit Counseling, Inc., in person in Topeka, Lawrence and Manhattan, $50, (paid to HCCI at time of counseling) 1195 SW Buchanan, Suite 101, Topeka, KS 66604-1183, 785-234-0217.

Consumer Credit Counseling Service, Inc., in person or telephone, $50 for individual, $75 per couple, Salina, Wichita, Hays, Hutchinson, Garden City, (paid to CCCS at time of counseling)


AFTER bankruptcy financial education course

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