Think again before you decide to represent yourself in bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a technical area of law full of traps for the unwary. As the old saying goes a person who represents himself has a fool for a client.
Seriously, many people who have attempted to represent themselves in bankruptcy have gotten themselves into big trouble, have lost property they didn’t have to lose, and have cost themselves more time and money than a bankruptcy attorney would have cost.
If you do file your own bankruptcy and mess it up,you will have difficulty getting a good attorney to take over your case and it may not be possible do undo the damage you have done. In the worst case scenario, your bankruptcy discharge could be denied or you could be facing criminal charges. A Kansas woman can never discharge her debts because of mistakes she made in representing herself in a series of bankruptcy filings.
Contact Topeka, Kansas, consumer bankruptcy specialists Mark Neis and Jill Michaux to represent you in your Kansas bankruptcy case. If you don’t live in Kansas, here are suggestions for finding a qualified bankruptcy attorney in another state.