What If Debtor Destroys Collateral?

In re Murrow, Case No. 07-41061
March 2008, Judge Karlin

Creditor was give an additional time to amend its complaint. Debtor took the 5th but the intimation of the discussion in the decision is that debtor likely intentionally destroyed the vehicle but insufficient facts were alleged.

Digest by:  Jan Hamilton, Trustee

New Kansas Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Discharge Procedure Proposed

A new procedure for issuing chapter 13 bankruptcy discharges and administratively closing the cases is being considered in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Kansas.  Here is a summary of the procedure from the minutes of the September 17, 2008, Bench and Bar Committee:

  • About six months before anticipated plan completion the Chapter 13 Trustees will file a Notice of Plan Approaching Completion.
  • If no Financial Management Certificate has been filed by Debtors, the Court’s case management computer software (CM/ECF) will send a notice to Debtor and Debtor(s)’ counsel reminding them that the Financial Management Certificate must be filed prior to making the last payment in a Chapter 13 plan. [Read more…]
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